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What is postnatal care?

Families used to rely on help form those around them to protect, nourish and look after a new mother in order to ensure the best start to life for their young. In today's  rushed society the nucleus family is relatively isolated as family and friends often live further away or have busy lives themselves. 

Below are some examples of how I can offer gentle support  tailored to your unique needs.


Breastfeeding, combined feeding and bottle feeding 

The first few weeks are crucial to establishing breastfeeding and I can show you ways to help you reach this goal. I am also trained  and experienced to identify problems for example tongue-tie early on and can refer to the right expert if and when needed.

I offer support with no judgement and offer feeding support no matter what option you choose.



Making sense of baby behaviour & sleep patterns

As your postnatal doula I can help you understand natural baby behaviour which will make it easier for you to adapt to life with a newborn. From crying, sleep patterns to cluster feeding, there is a reasonable explanation for newborn behaviour and by knowing what to expect and how to address these can help you step into your role as a confident parent. 


Practical: The gift of time and an extra pair of hands

You'll need time and space to adjust to life with a newborn, whether it is the first or the fourth. By relieving you of household tasks, you'll have more time and energy to thrive in this period. Examples of what I can help with are meal preparation, care of older children, accompanying to appointments and whatever else you need to get done in order for you to feel relaxed and in control of your life. 

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