Frequently Asked Questions
I've heard of a birth doula, but what is a postnatal doula?
Just like a birth doula advocates for your rights and supports you before and during birth, a postnatal doula advocates for the importance of the postnatal period and offers support once the baby is born and you think: what now? Support is centred around the needs of the mother and baby as a dyad, and includes infant feeding, maternal nutrition, establishing good recovery habits like getting rest. It is always based on the unique needs of each family.
Why use a postnatal doula?
Several qualitative studies have found that women from all walks of life have the same needs in the postnatal period. Those who receive postnatal care have a significantly lower rate of mental upheaval, breastfeed for longer and gain more confidence in their abilities as mothers. The areas of care these studies looked at are: Informational, practical, emotional (including social) and physical health. Postnatal doulas are skilled in all of these areas. Examples of help we offer are: Feeding and sleep support, freeing the mother of some of the household chores, emotional support through empowerment, we can refer to the right experts if needed and can support with the physical recovery in a non-medical way like giving massage for example.
What are a postnatal doula's fees?
My hourly rate varies between £22 and £25 depending of the number of hours booked. I work on a sliding scale, where anything over 20 hours would be at the lower fee of £22.
Who pays for postnatal doula services?
Parents usually either pay for doula services themselves, or add it to their birth registry/ mother blessing/ baby shower gift list so that friends and family can gift them with sessions if desired. There is also an access fund through Doula UK where parents can apply for free doula sessions if they meet a certain criteria. Some employers provide funding for postnatal doula care for their employees. There are even some countries where postnatal doula services are provided for by the government, but unfortunately in most countries it is still funded by the individual..
How long does a postnatal support clients for?
We ideally start support before birth or right after birth, but in many cases we start supporting later on. The duration of support depends entirely on what you feel you need. There is no right or wrong way, just your way.
Do you only support mothers/birthing parents?
No, I offer support to anyone who needs it during the initial period after the birth or adoption of a new baby. Dads are often overlooked in traditional support, but I believe they are just as important and research shows that there is around a 10% rate of postnatal depression under fathers or partners. In some cases we even give information and support to the wider family as to what they can do to help the parents.
What is the difference between a postnatal doula and a maternity nurse?
A doula sees the mother and baby as a dyad and provides care that supports them, as well as other members of the family. Your doula cares about your relationship with your baby, in terms of bonding and attachment, and is skilled in facilitating these. Doulas have the long term relationship you and your partner will have with your children in mind. A maternity nurse usually provides live in care or long shifts and care is more baby orientated.